Group Descriptions
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Type: | 10-C |
Description: | Report to NASDAQ; Change in number of shares outstanding (obsolete): Filed by issuers whose securities were quoted on the NASDAQ Interdealer quotation system. Used to report any change that exceeded 5% in the number of shares of the class outstanding and any change in the name of the issuer. |
Filing Deadline: | Must be filed within 10 days of change. |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Exchange Act of 1934 |
Type: | 10-C/A |
Description: | Amended 10-C Report to NASDAQ; Change in number of shares outstanding (obsolete). |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Exchange Act of 1934 |
Type: | BW-2 |
Description: | Periodic World Bank filing, submitted quarterly |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | BW-3 |
Description: | Transactional World Bank filing |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | CG Report |
Description: | Corporate Governance Report provides a disclosure on mechanisms, process and relations by which companies are controlled and directed |
Filing Deadline: | No required deadline |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Comp Report |
Description: | Compliance Reports/Forms are filer submitted reports or forms to the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as implementation plans. monitoring plans, progress reports and monthly reports, among other things. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Conf. Agenda |
Description: | Agenda for an Industry Conference |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Corp.Gov.Rpt |
Description: | Corporate governance Report which includes the structure of rules, practices, and processes used to direct and manage a company. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | CORRESP |
Description: | Filer letters, filed outside of amended filings, to the SEC responding to SEC comment letters related to disclosure filings made after Aug. 1, 2004. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | COURT |
Description: | Court Related Documents are documents issued by state or federal courts regarding proceedings involving a state or federal agency and/or other parties. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | CSR Report |
Description: | Corporate Social Responsibility Report provides a disclosure on contribution of companies to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits |
Filing Deadline: | No required deadline |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | DNP Misc. |
Description: | Don't Publish Miscellaneous Document |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | DNP Remn.Rpt |
Description: | Don't Publish - Executive Remuneration reports contains exclusive compensation information. |
Filing Deadline: | No required deadline |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | DSTBRPT |
Description: | Distribution of primary obligations Development Bank report, initial filing. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | DSTBRPT/A |
Description: | Amendment to distribution of primary obligations Development Bank report, |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Env.Rpt |
Description: | Public disclosure by a firm of its environmental performance information, similar to the publication of its financial performance information. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | F-N |
Description: | Notification of the appointment of an agent for service by certain foreign institutions, initial statement |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | F-N/A |
Description: | Notification of the appointment of an agent for service by certain foreign institutions, amendment. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | F-X |
Description: | Appointment of Agent for Service of Process and Undertaking; initial statement. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | F-X/A |
Description: | Appointment of Agent for Service of Process and Undertaking; initial statement, amendment. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | FERCALJ |
Description: | FERC issued Administrative Law Judgments such as initial decisions or certifications of initial decisions, notices, certifications of record, certifications of settlement, discovery orders, findings of facts, orders on transcript connection, orders permitting interlocutory appeal, procedural orders and procedural reports, protective orders, reports to the Commission, among other things. |
Filing Deadline: | None |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | IntierraMisc |
Description: | A Miscellaneous Report originally collected by Intierra as part of its coverage of the Metals and Mining industry. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Description: | Notice of disclosure filed in Exchange Act quarterly and annual reports pursuant to Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Section 13(r) of the Exchange Act |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Section 219 of the Act, subsection (r) to Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 |
Type: | MEG - Misc. |
Description: | A Miscellaneous Report originally collected by Metals Economics Group as part of its coverage of the Metals and Mining industry. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Misc. |
Description: | Miscellaneous Document |
Filing Deadline: | No required deadline |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Notic of Mod |
Description: | Notice of Modification: Request for a change in ownership for health insurance companies to the State of California. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Other RNS |
Description: | RNS document which has not been further classified. |
Filing Deadline: | No required deadline |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | PROP SUPP |
Description: | Property Supplement: Additional property specific information submitted on a quarterly basis. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | Remn.Rpt |
Description: | Executive Remuneration reports contains exclusive compensation information. |
Filing Deadline: | No required deadline |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | SD |
Description: | Specialized Disclosure Report - Under Section 13(p) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Issuers are required to publicly disclose their use of conflict minerals that originated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or an adjoining country. |
Filing Deadline: | May 31st |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Exchange Act of 1934. |
Type: | SE |
Description: | Submission of paper format exhibits by electronic filers. |
Filing Deadline: | The same as the requirements applicable to the corresponding electronic filing. |
Relevant Legislation: | This form shall be used by an electronic filer for the submission of any required paper format exhibit pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, or the Investment Company Act of 1940, provided that submission of such exhibit in paper format is permitted pursuant to Rule 201 or Rule 202 of Regulation S-T. It also may be used for the submission of any other paper format document permitted by Rule 311 of Regulation S-T. |
Type: | Stat. Blank |
Description: | Statutory financial filing with the state insurance commissioner. |
Filing Deadline: | 90 days after year end. |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | UPLOAD |
Description: | SEC originated comment letters to filers relating to disclosure filings made after Aug. 1, 2004. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: |