Group Descriptions
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Type: | NT 10-D |
Description: | Notice under Rule 12b25 of inability to timely file all or part of a Form 10-D. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 10-D/A |
Description: | Amendment to Notice of Non-timely Filing on Form 10-D: Filed as any change is made or additional information is provided to an already filed notification of non-timely filing for Form 10-D. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 10-K |
Description: | Notice of Non-timely Filing: Form 10-K, 10-K405, 10-KSB405, 10-KSB, 10-KT, or 10-KT405 |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 10-K/A |
Description: | Amendment to Notice of Non-timely Filing on Form 10-K: Filed as any change is made or additional information is provided to an already filed notification of non-timely filing for Form 10-K, 10-K405, 10-KSB405, 10-KSB, 10-KT, or 10-KT405. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 10-Q |
Description: | Notice of Non-timely Filing of Form 10-Q or Form 10-QSB. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 10-Q/A |
Description: | Amendment to Notice of Non-timely Filing of Form 10-Q: Filed as any change is made or additional information is provided to an already filed Form NT 10Q. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 11-K |
Description: | Notice of Non-timely filing of 1934 Act Annual Report for Employee Benefit Plans |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT 11-K/A |
Description: | Amendment to Notice of Non-timely filing of 1934 Act Annual Report for Employee Benefit Plans: Filed as any change is made or additional information is provided to an already filed Form NT 11K. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Exchange Act of 1934. |
Type: | NT 15D2 |
Description: | Notification of Non-timely filing of a special report pursuant to Rule 15D2 |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Rule 15D-2 |
Type: | NT 15D2/A |
Description: | Notification of inability to timely file: special report pursuant to section 15d-2, amendment. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Act of 1934. |
Type: | NT 20-F |
Description: | Notification of inability to timely file: Form 20-F, initial filing. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Exchange Act of 1934 |
Type: | NT 20-F/A |
Description: | Notification of inability to timely file: Form 20-F, amendment. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Securities Exchange Act of 1934 |
Type: | NT-11K/A |
Description: | Amendment to Notice of Non-timely filing of 1934 Act Annual Report for Employee Benefit Plans: Filed as any change is made or additional information is provided to an already filed Form NT 11K. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NT-NCSR |
Description: | Notice under Exchange Act Rule 12b-25 of inability to timely file Form N-CSR |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Investment Company Act of 1940 |
Type: | NT-NSAR |
Description: | Notification of inability to timely file: Form N-SAR, initial filing. |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Investment Company Act of 1940. |
Type: | NT-NSAR/A |
Description: | Notification of inability to timely file: Form N-SAR, amendment |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | Investment Comapny Act of 1940 |
Type: | NTN 10K |
Description: | Non-timely notification of non-timely filing of Form 10-K |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NTN 10Q |
Description: | Non-timely notification of non-timely filing of Form 10-Q |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant Legislation: | |
Type: | NTN 11K |
Description: | Non-timely notification of non-timely filing of Form 11-K |
Filing Deadline: | |
Relevant |